luncheon meat 午餐肉。
午餐肉。 “luncheon“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.午餐,午宴,午餐會。 2.兩餐之間吃的一點食物 ...“meat“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.(食用)肉。 2.〔古語〕食物;〔古語〕餐。 ...“beef and mutton luncheon meat“ 中文翻譯: 牛羊午餐肉“canned pork luncheon meat“ 中文翻譯: 午餐肉罐頭“ham luncheon meat“ 中文翻譯: 火腿午餐肉“luncheon ham meat“ 中文翻譯: 火腿午餐肉“luncheon meat with {yunnan} ham“ 中文翻譯: 云腿午餐肉“mutton luncheon meat“ 中文翻譯: 午餐羊肉; 羊肉午餐肉“pork luncheon meat“ 中文翻譯: 豬肉午餐肉“ca ed pork luncheon meat“ 中文翻譯: 午餐肉罐頭“luncheon meat with {yu an} ham“ 中文翻譯: 云腿午餐肉“luncheon“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.午餐,午宴,午餐會。 2.兩餐之間吃的一點食物。 “a business luncheon“ 中文翻譯: 商業便餐“luncheon allowance“ 中文翻譯: 午餐津貼“luncheon beef“ 中文翻譯: 牛肉麋“luncheon fork“ 中文翻譯: 點心叉“luncheon knife“ 中文翻譯: 點心刀“luncheon party“ 中文翻譯: 午餐會“luncheon sausage“ 中文翻譯: 便餐香腸“luncheon set“ 中文翻譯: 午餐套“luncheon special“ 中文翻譯: 廚師精選“newsmaker luncheon“ 中文翻譯: 新聞工作者午宴“nominees luncheon“ 中文翻譯: 今年的奧斯卡午餐會“roger luncheon“ 中文翻譯: 羅杰倫瓊“meat“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.(食用)肉。 2.〔古語〕食物;〔古語〕餐。 3.(蛋、貝、果子等的)肉;(蟹、蝦等的)肉。 4.(書的)內容,實質。 butcher's meat 家畜的肉。 white [light] meat 白肉〔指雞等禽類胸脯肉〕。 red meat 紅肉〔指牛肉、羊肉等〕。 dark meat 黑肉〔指燒不白的雞(腿)肉〕。 green meat 青菜,蔬菜。 inside meat 可吃的內臟。 One man's meat is another man's poison. 利于甲者未必利于乙。 after meat , mustard 飯后上芥末,〔轉義〕雨后送傘。 as full (of errors) as an egg is of meat (頭腦等)充滿了(錯誤);盡是(錯誤)。 be at meat 正在吃飯。 be meat and drink to 對(某人)是無上的樂趣。 be meat for sb.'s master 太好。 meat and potatoes 〔美俚〕重點,基礎。 sit at meat 就席。 meat-and-potatoes adj. 〔美俚〕重要的,基本的。
luncheonette |
It has been reported that a food factory in sichuan province has recently been found selling to the jinzhou cannery processed rotten pork as the raw material for canned food , and the cannery has produced some batches of canned luncheon meat of a certain brand which is sold in hong kong 據報,四川省一間食品工場最近被揭發將已腐壞的豬肉加工后售予金州罐頭廠作罐頭原料,而有在本港出售的某牌子罐頭午餐肉有部分來自金州罐頭廠。 |
In response to the media reports , fehd immediately conducted sampling of different brands of canned luncheon meat available in the local market for testing . test results showed that no pathogen was found (三)就上述報導,食環署已即時在市面上抽取了多個不同牌子的午餐肉樣本作化驗,化驗結果顯示,并沒有發現致病菌。 |
Avoid high - fat or high - cholesterol meats , such as belly meat , offal , luncheon meat , sausages , chicken feet , fish head , etc . and deep - fried soy bean products such as deep - fried tofu , etc 盡量避免含高脂肪或高膽固醇的肉類,例如腩肉內臟午餐肉腸仔雞腳魚頭等,或經油炸的豆類制品如豆泡等。 |
Avoid high - fat or high - cholesterol meats or deep - fried soy bean products , such as belly meat , offal , luncheon meat , sausages , chicken feet , fish head , and deep - fried tofu , etc 盡量避免含高脂肪或高膽固醇的肉類或經油炸的豆類制品,例如腩肉、內臟、午餐肉、腸仔、雞腳、魚頭、豆泡等。 |
Whether it has enquired with the relevant mainland departments and importers regarding the details of the incident and the source of the luncheon meat of that brand on sale in hong kong (二)有否向有關的內地部門及入口商查詢該宗事件的詳情及在本港出售的該牌子午餐肉的來源地; |
Whether it has , in view of the above report , conducted more laboratory sample tests on the canned luncheon meat of various brands ; if it has , of the test results ; and (三)有否因應上述報道增加抽樣檢驗各牌子的罐頭午餐肉;若有,檢驗的結果;及 |
Avoid processed and cured meat in which lots of salt and preservatives may be added . for example : sausages , luncheon meats , salt - cured fish and salted eggs 避免進食添加了大量鹽或防腐劑的加工或腌制肉類,如香腸、午餐肉、咸魚和咸蛋。 |
High sodium snacks include chili and salty chicken wing , sausage , bacon , luncheon meat , nuts added with salt and preserved plum etc 含高鹽份的小食有椒鹽雞翼腸仔煙肉午餐肉加鹽果仁腌制涼果如話梅等。 |
Ham luncheon meat 火腿午餐肉罐頭 |
Instant noodle with luncheon meat 餐肉即食面 |